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Terra incognita is based in the displacement of the personal space of production (studio) into a geographical extension isolated by land transport infrastructures between the Besós river and the municipalities of La Llagosta and Mollet del Vallès, Catalunya.
The project is constituted as a fight against the lack of sensible relationship between the body and the territory that conforms the landscape of the daily trips from the periphery to Barcelona city. By developing a production process in mediation with the otherness, it is condicioned by the material resources available in the vicinity in order to create a new imaginery based upon the context of the territory.
Terra incognita stands as a chance of resignification and apropiation of that residual spaces isolated by the massive construction of infrastructures to properly connect big cities to the rest of the country in disfavor of the local environment and social fabric.
Terra incognita, 2018
Permanent installation under the C-33 highway bridge over La Riera de Caldes (water stream)
Untitled (Display), 2018
Digital printing on waterproof fabric
Shoes, gloves, artifical grass or energy, 2018
Tires from illegal dumpsite
Installation at Museu Abelló
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